Image of puff pastries and viennoiseries

Puff Pastry vs Viennoiserie: What are their Differences?

| Delifrance Singapore
Love indulging in a pastry or two during your free time? Then you’d have possibly come across two types of pastries known as the viennoiserie and puff pastry. While both of them share some similarities, they are also distinctly different in many ways. Interested to learn more about them and their unique qualities? Read on!

    What are Viennoiseries?


    Image of viennoiseries


    Viennoiseries are a category of baked goods renowned for their flaky, buttery, light, and airy texture that originated from France and Austria. They are typically enjoyed as breakfast treats or afternoon snacks alongside a cup of coffee or tea, and are an integral part of European pastry culture that have gained significant popularity worldwide. Some common examples of viennoiseries include croissants, pain au chocolat, brioche, and French palmier.

    The term “viennoiserie” is derived from the French word “Viennois,” meaning “Viennese,” as these pastries were inspired by Austrian baking techniques and were introduced to France in the 19th century.

    Fun fact! It is said that viennoiseries were brought into France by an Austrian entrepreneur, August Zang, who opened a boulangerie viennoise, or bakery, in Paris.

    Learn More: Understanding French Terms: Difference Between Patisserie, Boulangerie & Viennoiserie

    What are Puff Pastries?


    Image of puff pastries


    Also known for its incredibly flaky and buttery layers, the puff pastry is a versatile and beloved pastry dough that has found its way into countless sweet and savoury dishes around the world. This delectable dough is a staple in French cuisine and plays a crucial role in various pastries, appetisers, and desserts.

    In French, the puff pastry is referred to as pâte feuilletée. It is made from a straightforward but labour-intensive process involving layers of dough made from flour, water, and butter, and a separate butter block. Some recipes may include salt and a touch of vinegar or lemon juice.

    Thanks to its neutral flavour profile, the puff pastry can be used to create savoury dishes like sausage rolls and quiches, or sweet treats like palmiers and strudels.

    Difference Between Viennoiseries and Puff Pastries

    • Ingredients

    Viennoiseries typically contain additional ingredients like sugar, eggs, and milk, while puff pastry is a simpler dough consisting primarily of flour, water, salt, and butter.

    • Leavening Agents

    Yeast is commonly used in making viennoiseries, giving them a slightly airy and tender texture. Puff pastry, on the other hand, relies on the layers of butter and dough and the steam created during baking for leavening. It doesn’t contain yeast.

    • Flavour

    Viennoiseries usually have a sweet flavour profile due to the sugar content in the dough or fillings, while puff pastries possess a more neutral and buttery flavour suitable for both sweet and savoury fillings or toppings.

    • Texture

    The addition of sugar, eggs, and milk in viennoiseries give them a softer and more tender interior. Although they are still flaky like puff pastries, they have a slightly richer and more delicate bite. Puff pastries have very crisp and flaky layers.

    Their Similarities

    One of the similar features of both puff pastry and viennoiseries is the lamination process they both go through. This is a technique that involves repeatedly folding and rolling the dough to create multiple layers separated by butter. This results in hundreds of ultra-thin layers that puff up dramatically when baked.

    Indulge in Viennoiseries or Puff Pastries with Délifrance

    Puff pastries and viennoiseries are both delicious pastries that captivate us with their crispy layers and buttery flavour profiles. If you’re a fan of these treats and want to enjoy them at home, consider getting a puff pastry delivery. Our pastry box delivery in Singapore comes with a variety of viennoiseries and puff pastries for your indulgence. Order them here.